Recruit Passcode Specialists Walkthrough
This Stellar Blade Recruit Passcode Specialists walkthrough will help you open the shipping container found in the ship wreckage in the Wasteland. In order to open the shipping container, you must find the first 6 Prayer Book Chapters, which are found on altars throughout the vast regions of Stellar Blade. Upon finding all Prayer Books, you'll then be able to piece together the passcode solution, which will unlock the Wasteland shipwreck container. Inside the shipping container is the Le Vie en Rose Nano Suit.
Recruit Passcode Specialists Walkthrough and Shipping Container Passcode Solution
In order to open the Shipwreck Container the Bulleting Board Request asks you to, you will need to have the Great Desert available at this point. The request appears early on in the game, but you can't start collecting the Chapter Prayer books until after Matrix 11, where you can collect the first one in the refugee you visit there.
Each book contains a single passcode letter in its title. However, you have to collect the initial six books to be able to enter the passcode. The seventh prayer book is inside the container.
Looking for a specific data bank in the Prayers collection? Jump through each entry on this page using the links below:
Matrix 11: Chapter of Trial 1
Chapter Prayer Book 1 is located in the Matrix 11 refugee altar. It is on the upper floor, and you can not miss it, as it is part of a main story cutscene.
The Great Desert: Chapter of Trial 2
Chapter Prayer Book 2 is located in an isolated, dilapidated building northeast of the Tetrapod Supply Camp in the Great Desert, on the second floor.
The Great Desert: Chapter of Trial 3
Chapter Prayer Book 3 is on the first floor of a building near the underpass where the yellow school bus is parked.
The Great Desert: Chapter of Trial 4
Found inside the Broken Hypertube in the Buried Ruins. To gain access to this area, you need to have acquired the King of the Tunnel side quest after returning from Matrix 11.
When you do, follow the questline until you slide through the hyper tube in the Northern Desert area and drop into a pool of water.
Once you're swimming in the pool of water, look to your right, and you’ll see a shrine with the data bank on your right.
The Wasteland: Chapter of Trial 5
Chapter Prayer Book 5 is located in a small, isolated cave just across the Western Great Canyon Legion Supply Camp.
The Wasteland: Chapter of Trial 6
The Chapter Prayer Book 6 is located near the Altess Levoire road. You can arrive at the location either by the Altess Levoire path or following the narrow path north of the nearby Legion Supply Camp.
After collecting all 6 books, head back to the Shipwreck container and input the code from 1-6.
Opening the container and investigating the loot inside will complete the Recruit Passcode Specialists Side Quest. Inside the container, you find the La Vie en Rose costume and the last 7th Prayer Book. Remember to head back to the bulletin board to collect your 20,000 Gold!